Business Document Unity, your all-in-one platform | Find out more

The platform

Our vision

Why deploy a global content management strategy?

EDM / Archiving

What are the benefits of an EDM solution?

Customer Communication Management

From desktop publishing to CCM.

Business Document Unity

BDU features


Facilitate access to information for your employees


Make it easier and faster to find and consult your content


Gain autonomy and efficiency at your workstation


Automate your document processes

Move to cloud

Why deploy BDU in Cloud mode?

Discover our Solution

Discover our Solution

A single, collaborative platform to optimize the management of your documents, their associated data, and your overall communication.

Ask for a demo


Our training center has been Qualiopi certified since December 2021. Inetum Software’s Business Document Unity division has successfully passed the 32 quality criteria and received QUALIOPI certification from AFNOR. This certificate is a guarantee of quality, enabling our customers to benefit from subsidies for training services, as of January 2022.


The law of September 5, 2018 introduces the obligation of certification for all service providers offering actions contributing to skills development who intervene on the conventional market (public funds and/or mutualized/parity funds).

AFNOR Certification is accredited to provide certification in accordance with the QUALIOPI National Quality Standard (RNQ).

The QUALIOPI National Quality Standard (RNQ) comprises 7 criteria divided into 32 indicators.
These indicators focus on the way in which a service is designed and carried out.

The 7 criteria assessed are :

  • Informing the public: Communicating and informing the public about services and how to use them.
  • Design the service: Identify the objectives of the service, and adapt it to the needs of the target audience.
    Implement the service: Ensure appropriate follow-up and support for learners.
  • Manage the necessary resources: Ensure that teaching, technical and supervisory resources are appropriate for the success of learners.
  • Manage people skills: Ensure that the people providing the services are qualified and develop their skills.
  • Monitor your environment: Keep abreast of market developments and invest in the professional environment
  • Be evaluated: Take into account the assessments and recommendations made during evaluations in order to improve services.